GDF gas jug?

After Corsica without juice, France without gas? The CGT Mines-Energie federation yesterday threw an alarmist press release reporting a critical situation of Gaz de France stocks. "France only has a few days of gas stock available to meet the needs of users." If the union says it does not succeed in obtaining from its management "precise information", it affirms on the other hand that the national company, in the panade, asked, as its contracts authorize it, to its 200 large industrial customers of to be erased, that is to say to renounce their provision.

Margin. But the union goes further. In struggle against the management of the entire company turned towards opening up the capital of the house, the CGT suggests that the "abnormally low" level of stocks is linked to unwelcome financial transactions. "Either they did not want to stock up before winter, or they did it ... and sold part of it to make a profit before the cold snap", indicates Yves Ledoux, member of the executive committee of the CGT-Energie federation. Clearly, the gas supply to shivering France would have been auctioned.

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"Completely false," the management replied last night. Inventories are normally low for the end of winter. They were at their peak at the start and were used to meet the needs of the French market. ” If the company refuses to give any quantified information on the level of stocks and therefore to deny the cégétiste threat, it simply claims to manage the situation "so as to supply all customers until the winter period be passed ”, but at the cost of“ exceptional means ”.

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