FAQ pantone engine

Keywords: pantone engine pantone process, operation, assumptions, decrease pollution, consumption veracity.

In order to try to put an end to the various speculations concerning the pantone process, here is a series of sure and certain scientific facts concerning the assumptions that can be made around this process.

More explanation on FAQ pantone engine

This FAQ page number 1 concerns 100 the mounting% pantone, this is the assembly on a gasoline engine consisting in passing 100% of the fuel in the "reactor" supplying the engine of which the following are the plans: Pantone engine plans

In this regard, we will now talk about an interchange since, for the moment, it was not possible to demonstrate any reaction apart from a heat exchange.

We assume that the reader knows the nature of the assembly if Plans pantone engine are available on this site.

How to modify my first Pantone engine?

We performed a complete game for beginners from Pantone, so click here Pantone Tutorial

There is a cracking of hydrocarbon molecules in the reactor.


Indeed, chromatography during C. Martz's study showed that the average volatility of the hydrocarbons in the gas entering the reactor was lower than the gas leaving the reactor.

Problem : it was not possible to identify this lighter hydrocarbon and it is not methane. It therefore remains to be confirmed when and under what conditions occurs this cracking, also called reforming or vapocracking (due to the presence of water)
The details of this experience are in the engineer report, available here.

remaining uncertainties What is the gas leaving the reactor? What are the conditions for obtaining it (depression, T °?)

The water promotes the operation of the process.


A pollution measurement showed that injecting water (in limited quantity) into the exchanger made the pollutants drop without reducing the power. This measurement is available on the page pollution control measures

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In this case we can conclude that the water favors the operation of the process but we still have to answer the question: how water intervenes in the reaction?

Oil tankers use a well-proven technique called vapocracking, which consists of injecting superheated water vapor in order to facilitate cracking.

Here is a slightly more precise definition of these terms: “In chemistry, and more particularly that of petroleum, cracking is the operation which consists in breaking a complex organic molecule into smaller elements, in particular alkanes and alkenes. The temperature and pressure conditions, as well as the nature of the catalyst are determining elements of cracking.
One of the methods of industrial production of hydrogen is the vapocracking of hydrocarbons at high temperature: C3H8 + 6 H2O -> 10 H2 + 3 CO2. In oil refineries, cracking complements the distillation of the heaviest products. "

remaining uncertainties : how does water reduce pollution?

The process is not optimized.


Indeed, many aspects remain to be understood and optimized. The most important aspect is understanding what is going on in the interchange if anything, other than cracking, is happening there. Even in the case of a simple cracking, it is necessary to understand the exact conditions (depression, T °…) of this cracking and especially its nature (what does it convert and into what?).

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It is only from this moment: when we know the exact nature of what goes into the engine that we can optimize its use "in" the engine. Engine compression ratio and spark advance are, in our opinion, the 2 fundamental values ​​to be optimized.

Indeed, an increase in the compression ratio directly gives an increase in engine efficiency and therefore a reduction in consumption. The engines are currently designed for an octane rate of 95, but it is known that the octane rate of lighter gaseous fuels such as NGV are much higher (130). For gasoline engines, a substantial improvement in efficiency is therefore expected in this aspect.

Regarding the ignition advance, it will be necessary to know how the gas leaving the exchanger burns in order to optimize it and to make a map specific to this gas. For information, the rate of combustion of hydrogen (speed of the flame front) is 10 times faster than that of octane (gasoline) in stoichiometric mixture and it is a safe bet that the gas leaving the reactor has a combustion much faster than gasoline.

remaining uncertainties : only an understanding of what is happening in the reactor can lead to an optimization of the combustion in the chamber. This requires analysis means from engine manufacturers.

The Pantone engine is a water engine


This statement is completely false but it can still be read on some websites. The pantone process uses water but in any case it cannot do without hydrocarbons. This until someone can prove otherwise.

In this sense, it constitutes a means of rationalizing the consumption of fossil fuels without however doing without it (unlike renewable energies).

You can drive 80% in water with a Pantone

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Again we continue to read this on some sites or hear this during some training. The truth is that 20 to 30% of water are the maximum values ​​achievable today. Be careful, this does not mean that we will not be able to increase this rate when we understand the process better.

Similarly 20 to 30% savings is a correct figure. Avoid people who claim to have halved their consumption with internet plans in their car. These people probably have something to sell you!

6) The Pantone engine does not work


It all depends on which criterion… If we base ourselves on the 2 previous statements which are biased, yes, it does not work.

If based on everything stated above, the process actually works!

Everything depends on the characterization criteria.

7) It is impossible to crack water at reactor temperatures.


Decomposition of water by thermolysis: The first decomposition of water was made by Lavoisier, by passing water vapor over iron heated to red (thermolysis). In doing so, he established that water was not an element but a chemical body made up of several elements.

The thermolysis of water begins to become significant around 750 ° C, and it is complete around 3 ° C. The reaction produces oxygen and hydrogen: 000H2O ↔ 2H2 + O2 (

source: Wikipedia


This point of 750 ° C can be further reduced by the presence of catalyst such as platinum and chromium. Cerium steel, alloyed with cerium, would also be a strong catalyst for the thermolysis of water.

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