Eco-fiction for sustainable development (contest)

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Eco-fiction for sustainable development (contest)

by Christophe » 13/07/10, 16:44

ECO-FICTION: National science fiction writing contest to raise awareness of sustainable development


The issues related to sustainable development are becoming increasingly important: global warming, social inequalities, economic crisis, pollution, scarcity of raw materials, etc. The wide public awareness of these issues is the keystone of their resolutions and therefore the sustainability of our societies. But after years of indisputable progress, "classical" awareness of sustainable development is beginning to show its limits. Even worse, the tendency is to marginalize these issues as demonstrated by the recent failure of the Copenhagen conference or the victories of so-called "eco-septic" theses.

It is time to renew the breath of awareness through additional communication vectors. One of the most promising of these is science fiction literature. This kind, beyond its "spectacular" aspect, makes it possible to present forcefully innovative ideas that can describe our future. What better tool than a literature describing the future to raise awareness of the challenges of the future of our societies?

In short

Theme: "the twenty-first century: retrospectives of a century marked (or not) by sustainable development".
Genre: Science Fiction
Size: 10 000 signs (spaces included)

End date: 15 October 2010 Midnight

This vast subject will enable authors, by placing themselves in the position of "historians" of the 21st century, to explore the multiple possibilities of our future. Divided into two categories: less than 20 years and more than 20 years, they will have to imagine what our century will be done by highlighting the risks or benefits of taking into account sustainable development in our societies

It bothers me a little bit to try the adventure ...
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