Reforestation in the scale of the individual

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Reforestation in the scale of the individual

by bebeours » 06/04/06, 09:12

Here is a commercial site but still worth the painne to be quoted. I apologize in advance if this topic has already been mentioned on this forum or on the site.

Here is a company that offers reforestation kits at a reasonable price, and holding them and resulting in such acts.

For my part, I will launch the idea in my company.
As the saying goes, this is the small rivers that make the great rivers.

I have already begun to do satellite tracing (Google Earth) above my city which is undoubtedly the European capital of polution. I will then propose a reforestation plan to the local authorities.
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by Bibiphoque » 06/04/06, 09:37

The idea may seem excellent, but we must avoid replanting the same species everywhere, it is a heresy!
I had a doc where it was described that a shepherd, anxious to rehabilitate an environment completely disturbed by the deforestation had in itself, over a period of 30 years, replanted an entire forest of oaks, which was the local species that had been overexploited, while doing his work as a shepherd, it was with the help of his baton that allowed him to feel where the ground would be best suited to plant acorns that he had himself picked and selected.
The biggest advantage of his "forest" was that it seemed quite natural because he had no need for alignment or profitability. It was a nice story.
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by bebeours » 06/04/06, 10:25

Yes, this story is very poetic, at the limit of the ancient legend.
It is true that replanting the same species is not a reasonable thing.
On the site I mentioned above, they talk about 50 tons of CO2 for a tree in adulthood. Could anyone tell me "what it's worth compared to rejecting a car or a home heater.
I'm going to look for doc on different tree species and contact everyone I know to share this idea.
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by Bibiphoque » 06/04/06, 12:21

In fact what really matters and is the easiest to calculate is carbon alone, it is easier to calculate for different hydrocarbons, starting from the basic formula:
"Absorbed carbon mass = H (total height) x 1 / 3 D² (1m30 high diameter) x 1,16 (multiplicative factor for branches) x 1,24 (multiplicative factor for roots) x 460 kg of wood / m3 x 50 % of carbon in the wood

Example: a Laricio Pin of 1,5 m of diameter by 40 m of height.

40 x 1 / 3 x 1,5² x 1,16 x 1,24 x 460 x 0,5 = 9,9 tons of carbon (C), or, expressed in tons of CO², 36 tons "
Either a ratio of 3.6363 ... between carbon and CO2 (36tonnes / 9.9 tons)
From this report, we can convert to the envi.
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by bebeours » 06/04/06, 12:54

I'm going to make a forum on this theme, I will bring together local people around this project. I will also potasser during my vacation on a small awareness campaign.

If you have information that can help me as hosting, php, possibility of consolidating the info, I am a taker.

I'll start it all next week, if people want to join me, they're good enough.

Wish me luck
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by Woodcutter » 06/04/06, 14:58

bebeours wrote:[...] On the site I mentioned above, they talk about 50 tons of CO2 for a tree as an adult. Could anyone tell me "what it's worth compared to rejecting a car [...]
A car rejects approximately (when homologated) between 100 g / km and 300 g / km (or more) of CO2.

From there, 50 tons of CO2 correspond to 250 000 km "average" car (all his life) or, seen differently, a short journey in town (2,5 km) for 100 000 vehicles (average daily traffic on the A6 in the immediate vicinity of the capital ...)
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by bebeours » 06/04/06, 15:26

It would be necessary to do the operation: a car, a tree
And even like that, it would not be enough because there are not only cars.

This is still a beautiful concept to defend against a motorist. I saw that the association "the desert flourishes" plants a tree and protects it for one euro. Of course, they are not tall 25m pine, but for 20 30 euro, the owner could buy back some of its debt to the planet. The problem is that the wood planted by this associassion is then used as firewood. Nevertheless, it is still a reserve and a possibility of planting other plants in its forests.
here is the link

And as regards, the project of this subject, I hope it will snowball.

ps: "the lumberjack" does not approach you too much of my trees ... : Cheesy:
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by Woodcutter » 06/04/06, 18:17

bebeours wrote:[...] ps: "the lumberjack" does not approach you too much of my trees ... : Cheesy:
Sisisisi! : Twisted: I need it as energy!
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by Former Oceano » 06/04/06, 21:29

sisi : Evil:

Bucheron with his big ax and a motor retrofitted gasogene walking wood : Mrgreen:
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break the wind ...

by vtajmb » 25/04/06, 09:50

in 2005, hailstones as big as ping pong balls destroyed vineyards. Roofs, cars have also suffered. Game has also paid a heavy price for this natural calamity. Sometimes, in the pocked areas, the damage was strangely weak: the trees of the bordering hedges had a limiting action on 5 at 10 times their height ... And the game which was nearby found there refuge ...
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