EU: the hidden face of the European Union

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EU: the hidden face of the European Union

by geotrouvetout » 22/07/09, 13:26


to see the 6 parts of this video ... eenne_news

The relationship with econology and that there is banter on the part of the representatives or elected officials supposedly close to the environment or the "people", after all this media hype on the vote for the Europeans and the contentment of certain the course remains the same RIGHT IN THE WALL !!!

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by Flytox » 22/07/09, 21:41

Good video!
The CIA, the ricans at the origin of Europe ... Mouaip!
They are able to grease a lot of politicians ... that's for sure, it's easy and common.
But his argument self-destructs, the more the members are numerous the more they should ..not make more Europe because they cannot get along by definition.

If the Europeans "created" Europe, it is because they also had something to gain from it despite all possible and imaginable disagreements.
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by elephant » 23/07/09, 08:38

It is a whole process born from the ECSC and the Benelux.
For example Italy has helped Belgium by sending numerous minors to it.
That said, excessive privatization, what a horror. When you think that certain companies (telephone, energy) could employ 5 or 6000 more employees with their profits.
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elephant Supreme Honorary éconologue PCQ ..... I'm too cautious, not rich enough and too lazy to really save the CO2!

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