The climatic scenario of apocalypse ...

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I understand econologic
I understand econologic
posts: 105
Registration: 29/10/03, 23:55

by Dearcham » 06/03/04, 23:19

Here is an article from the world recently, the info would almost shudder if the writing of the report did not think so much of a ... -t60.html

THE WORLD | 05.03.04 | 14h33

A Europe with a Siberian climate, an America turned into a desert, Bangladesh flooded, millions of migrants, wars, the collapse of the world economy ... These could be the consequences of climate change, according to a report commissioned by the Pentagon in 2003. This impressive scenario was written by a Californian think tank at the request of an influential strategist of the US Army Staff Andrew Marshall. But the document would probably remain confidential if the Fortune and The Observer newspapers had not discussed it at the end of February.

That is, taking climate change seriously - and in what way! -, the text written by Peter Schwartz and Doug Randall, Global Business Network, is totally against the official position of the government of Mr. Bush, which undermines the importance of the problem.

Did the document not "fully meet the needs" of Mr. Marshall, as his spokesperson indicated, or was it politically embarrassing? Still, he would have been buried in a computer if the press had not heard.


The case came soon after an association of critical researchers, the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), issued a survey showing that Bush's administration manipulated scientific information from its services when it failed to respond. does not match its political goals (The World of 21 February).

Posted on the Internet after unveiling by the press ( pdf), the scenario written for the Pentagon is impressive. Futurists have started from the hypothesis frequently raised by scientists that climate change could disrupt the circulation of the great ocean current circumnavigating the planet. Extrapolating this possibility, the text bases on a climatic shock comparable to that which the earth experienced eight thousand years ago - a shock that could happen, they imagine, from 2010. The temperature would then fall in Asia, North America and Europe, while it would rise in the Southern Hemisphere. The drought would settle in several large agricultural areas, while tornadoes would multiply. The geopolitical consequences would be major - it is precisely this aspect that motivated the command of the Pentagon. Subject to a Siberian climate, Europe would plunge into crisis. The United States would fall back on itself, becoming unable to release an agricultural surplus. China would rediscover hunger and chaos - and turn an eager eye to Russia. Wars would multiply, in order to conquer the resources that have become vital. "The United States is not sufficiently prepared" for such events, note the authors.

Hervé Kempf

some links to deepen:
The report in question. The writing is ... uh frightening (especially when you know that the report was commissioned for $ 100.000)

and here some information on the authors as well as news on the research at us

Really not glop;)
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