Bread, its history, the reflection of our society

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Re: The bread, its history, the reflection of our society

by Janic » 24/05/18, 12:28

At least you listened, but you have to get out of your usual way of thinking.

The fun! I consult as often as possible the videos or articles offered, which is obviously not your case. As a reminder all videos on vaccination that you have not even bothered to consult, but with only a comment of the kind of zigoto who prefers to claim thousands of scientific documents but is in the impossibility or incapacity, to indicate the least. It is, if I'm not mistaken, what the netizens call a troll!
To understand You need training on critical thinking.
what you miss so seriously!
No, it is not the status of the person who counts, but the veracity of his words, which must correspond to the consensus established by the profession of the professional cited.

On the contrary ! to judge the value of a speech, it is necessary that the person concerned has at least some personal skills on the subject and at least serious references. There zero! But this zigoto (by cutting the sound, so no matter the subject concerned) shows that it is played by trying to give the appearance of competence and especially to hold a kind of truth intrinsic to his speech. In fact he would rather have success as a comedian.
As to the veracity of his speech, a dogmatism is not an indicator of any truth, but of pretension to it alone. (What looks like eminently!) By cons the end of your speech is right: " which must correspond to the consensus established by the profession of the professional cited. Each professional branch has one of these consensus but which is applicable only to itself. Thus the AB departs from this consensus and these heretics have built their own consensus and whenever someone or any idea departs from it, it forms a new reference that will be followed or not. And will be formed other professions that ... etc ...
Pasteur was one of those heretics in proposing his vaccination in opposition to doctrines and dogmas, therefore of the consensus, the official medicine of his time and you're currently a fan because of your usual way of thinking.
what would do you the greatest good it is precisely to listen this one, without that I give my imprimatur so far:
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Re: The bread, its history, the reflection of our society

by izentrop » 24/05/18, 13:38

Sorry Sixt for hijacking your subject, but we are still waiting for your opinion.
Janic wrote:what would do you the greatest good it is precisely to listen this one, without that I give my imprimatur so far:
Lucid sheep one of the most beautiful speaker of Youtube, supplier of clichés and arguments of authority.

A kid easily knows how to unbind his biases and through reasoning:
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Re: The bread, its history, the reflection of our society

by Janic » 24/05/18, 15:03

Lucid sheep one of the most beautiful speaker of Youtube, supplier of clichés and arguments of authority.

Your guru of youtube does not give his share to the dogs so far! So clearly you have not listened! : Evil:

A kid easily knows how to unbind his biases and through reasoning:

You consider yourself more talented than a kid, but without arguing and against arguing because apart from the copy paste Wikipedia or zetes, and other pseudoscience, it does not go far!
Coming back to the video, the interesting part is when he reveals that he believed in these alternative systems, conspiracy, etc ... (which would suggest that being for another medicine would be conspiracy or for belief to ghosts or extraterrestrials, this rough mix is ​​certainly not within the purview of a healthy method he recommends yet!) and even that homeopathy has proved effective for him [*] (without revealing how and why, for that matter) until he had the illumination that it was all crap and that only the zetetic was the way of his salvation. Exactly like a cuckold who abandons his beloved wife who becomes the worst of sluts, whores and other kindnesses and who then becomes homo to stop any relationship with the fairer sex. Classic behavior of the disappointed who pass from one camp to another, in religion, in politics, in social relations or in love.
Finally your lucid leg should do a little study on comparative anatomy and its arguments are in fact completely phony mixing everything. But this is the internet there is everything and above all anything! 8)

[*] in clear better to be sick in a rational, methodical way, rather than heal outside these criteria !?
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré
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Re: The bread, its history, the reflection of our society

by Janic » 24/05/18, 16:29

so I listened carefully and until the end (yes!) the argument (if we can call it a pitch) of this kid. What does it come out of?
Nothing really concrete, it's a kid who wants to buzz on the internet (it values ​​the ego) hoping to get a little money like others. It's his right obviously, but he would not hold 5 mn in front of a true anatomo-biologist. because without vis-à-vis and using false arguments to seem credible, it only attracts kids of its kind, well conditioned by the school (high place of conditioning) no real scientists. In philosophy it would be done quickly with this type of speech (regardless of the subject elsewhere!)
If you are reduced to that .... !!! :(
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré
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Re: The bread, its history, the reflection of our society

by Janic » 26/05/18, 09:39

just a comment on this kid, son of browned clara it seems! It is rather his videos that are interesting that are not well constructed speeches with obvious continuity; but they are little bits glued to each other (it is beautiful technique) as if each idea emitted began to fuck immediately and had to be cut off. Another remarkable aspect is this way of formulating which is as much of an acquired conviction (even false as on the veganism where the vaccines) and thus of a conditioning, and this kind of barking towards the microphone which can surprise. If I dared, let's dare, I would say that he seems to be suffering from autistic signs (this is the fashion at home). It does not take as much as he has the sharp mind (at least on his videos what appears less in his interviews), energy and biting, but that's not enough in itself! 8)
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré
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Re: The bread, its history, the reflection of our society

by izentrop » 26/05/18, 19:27

To denigrate the person rather than to be interested in the veracity of his speech. This is the classic method of conspi. : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen:
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Re: The bread, its history, the reflection of our society

by Janic » 26/05/18, 20:23

To denigrate the person rather than to be interested in the veracity of his speech. This is the classic method of conspi.
you recognize yourself in this role, of course!
Who to denigrate the professor of biology without even knowing the content of his speech? Who spread the lie about Wakefield without even informing you that the judgment on lying turned against the journalist and the newspaper who defamed him? Who spreads a fake speech on the Happy Pr who would be against vaccines when you only need to listen to him to know that he is FOR, but not in the way imposed by someone in conflict of interest with BP? etc ... But this is the classic method of conspi as you emphasize. : Evil:
Then I do not denigrate his partisan speech (which is his right) but this image that he shows that looks like all those who make the buzz on the internet whether it is on fashion, cooking or any other subject to make a brand image "it's me that I'm right and all the others are incompetent"and make it profitable in terms of money (but everyone has to live, obviously)
Finally it's his speech, which is false for lack of real information, but it can be drawn from fake news, as you do!
So (because I know the subject more personally since 50 years) [*], he says (referring to the vegan sites and the report of the AADDC) that the taking of B12 is imperative under pain of deficiency, even if the vegan literature (the literature opening of this food mode) does not say it directly, but only suggests taking it as a precaution. But this same speech indicates, coming from the official sources of the American government, shortcomings observed and the census of these does not make appear, on a population of the size of Europe, 10 cases and most of them are non-VG elderly and pregnant women, which is also highlighted by AADDC, which finds that B12 is lower than omnis and even more reduced in the VGL who do not supplement without any sign of deficiency has been found. [*] [*] that he therefore misread and you not at all obviously. :?
Insofar as it is he who is involved in this discourse, it is also up to him to assume it.

[*] and I pass on vaccines as false as the rest!
[*] [*] for those who do not know the usual stock of B12 is exhausted between two and four years without renewal.
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré
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Re: The bread, its history, the reflection of our society

by izentrop » 27/05/18, 08:09

You defend offenders who do a lot of harm to public health without even realizing it. It is a pity that it is tolerated here. :x
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Re: The bread, its history, the reflection of our society

by Janic » 27/05/18, 09:46

You defend offenders who do a lot of harm to public health without even realizing it.
which offenders? 10.000 dieticians in the US and Canada? Unless they are children and adults who are disabled for life or have died because of dangerous vaccines? : Evil: But you do not care, obviously! Or these 14 countries of Europe who refuse to make mandatory these products at risk, preferring freedom of conscience dogmatic totalitarianism.
It is a pity that it is tolerated here
which shows that the person in charge of this site is more tolerant and intelligent than you, the proof you are always there about on an ecological site your character defends tooth and nail, the nuclear, the GMO, the chemical inputs, all that is chemical besides, etc ... if it is not a sign of tolerance what will it be ?! : Cheesy:
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré

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