Strange light phenomenon off the Kamchatka.

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Strange light phenomenon off the Kamchatka.

by sen-no-sen » 22/09/14, 11:10

During the flight over the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka, a pilot and his co-pilot witnessed the appearance of strange red lights coming from the Pacific Ocean.

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As he passed over Kamchatka in the Russian Far East, a Dutch plane pilot was surprised by a wave of glowing red lights emanating from the Pacific Ocean. The witness of the scene, JPC van Heijst, and his co-pilot were at the time on the flight from Hong Kong to Anchorage, Alaska, aboard their Boeing 747. According to the testimony and the images reported, the surface of the ocean would have lit up like a blaze. The strange event occurred about twenty minutes after some kind of lightning manifested, appearing to rise vertically from the surface of the water. "I think it was a kind of polar aurora but more scattered, I had never seen anything like it before", writes JPC van Heijst on his site. "About 20 minutes later, I observed an intense orange-red light appear in front of us, and it was a little strange because there was supposed to be nothing except ocean as far as the eye could see below us." , he continues. The lights seemed to be near the ocean or even come from the depths. And the closer the plane got, the more intense the light. For the moment, the nature of this unprecedented phenomenon remains a mystery, which unsurprisingly has given rise to many theories, including some suggesting a phenomenon of extraterrestrial origin (...)

NASA Scientist's Opinion Asked by the Daily Mail, Dr Friedemann Freund of NASA's Ames Research Center for his part hypothesized that it could be an "energized bubble" appeared in the atmosphere of the Earth. A phenomenon that could be linked to solar wind or to powerful microwave radiation. "I could imagine that something from the solar wind, perhaps a small, highly energized bubble that entered the protective shield of the magnetosphere, hit the upper part of the Earth's atmosphere and produced this very local effect." , he explained. But the phenomenon could also have a less natural origin such as a scientific experiment. "Otherwise, the HAARP ionospheric research station in Alaska could have sent powerful microwave rays into the ionosphere and created local instability," which would have manifested itself in these glowing glows, he noted. The American High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was designed to analyze the ionosphere, the upper part of the atmosphere. Freund also pointed out that the colors observed were close to those of a polar aurora. “The dominant colors are green and red. The green appears to be the same as in the aurora lights which are known to come from oxygen atoms in a highly excited electronic state. They descend to the state. lower by emitting light at 557,7 nanometers, "which corresponds to green, the researcher continued.

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