the nuclear or the stock market ???

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the nuclear or the stock market ???

by bojourvous5094 » 12/03/06, 20:52

The claim that Iran is developing nuclear weapons is nothing but a pretext to launch the war. The NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) predicts that Iran will not be able to produce nuclear weapons before perhaps ten years. Like the IAEA chief, Mohamed ElBaradei, has repeatedly said that his agency inspectors had found "no evidence" of a nuclear weapons program. : Shock:

There are no nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons programs, against the economy of Iran poses an existential threat to the USA. :frown:

The US monopolizes the oil market. It is valued in dollars and is traded either on the NYMEX (New York Mercantile Exchange) or on the IPE (London International Petroleum Exchange) both belonging to the United States. This forces all central banks around the world to maintain huge stocks of dollars. : Idea:

The monopoly of the US currency illustrates perfectly the pyramid scheme. As long as nations are forced to buy oil in dollars, the US can continue to waste outrageously with impunity. (The dollar now accounts 68% of the currency of global capital against 51% ten years ago) The only threat to this strategy is the competition that would project a stock market of independent oil; forcing the wobbly dollar to confront a more stable currency (debt free) such as the euro. This would compel central banks to diversify their holdings, sending billions of dollars in the USA, we guarantee to kick a devastating hyper inflation cycle.

The effort to keep this information about the Iranian oil trading market out of the headlines has been very successful. A simple Google search shows that none of the major newspapers reported the opening of this exchange. We see that sometimes between the official speech and the reality on the ground, there is a whole margin.
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