Strategy for manipulating the population and opinion in 10 rules

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Strategy for manipulating the population and opinion in 10 rules

by Christophe » 06/10/10, 15:36

... OrArt of how to manipulate people, individuals, companies ...

10 these points are interesting for understanding our societies (past and besides, it was not invented anything we have just upgraded) ...

Challenge of the Day: find someone who does not agree or does not recognize an experience in at least 1 10 of these points! : Cheesy:

This we learn inENA you think? : Lol:

Ground Handling Strategy

1 / The strategy of diversion

key element of social control, the strategy of diversion is to divert public attention from important issues and changes decided by the political and economic elites, through a continual flood of distractions and trivial information.

The strategy of distraction is also essential to prevent the public to focus on the essential knowledge in the fields of science, economics, psychology, neurobiology, and cybernetics.

"Keeping the public's attention distracted, away from real social issues, captivated by matters of no real importance. Keeping the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back to the farm with the other animals." Excerpt from "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"

2 / Create problems, then offer solutions

This method is also called "problem-reaction-solution". We first create a problem, a "situation" provided to certain reactions of the public, so that the latter is itself requesting measures that wishes to accept him. For example: let it develop urban violence, or arrange for bloody attacks in order that the public is requesting security laws at the expense of freedom. Or: create an economic crisis to accept as a necessary evil the decline of social rights and the dismantling of public services.

3 / The gradient strategy

To accept an unacceptable degree, just apply it gradually, "degraded" over a period of 10 years. This is the way that socio-economic conditions radically new were imposed during the years 1980 1990. massive unemployment, insecurity, flexibility, relocation, wages can no longer ensure a decent income, so many changes that would have caused a revolution if they had been applied suddenly.

4 / The deferral strategy

Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as "painful but necessary", obtaining the consent of the public in this for application in the future. It is always easier to accept a future sacrifice that an immediate sacrifice. First, because the effort is not to provide immediately. Then because the public still tends to naively hope that "everything will be better tomorrow" and that the sacrifice required may be avoided. Finally, it allows time for the public to get used to the idea of ​​change and accept it with resignation when the time comes.

A recent example: the transition to the Euro and the loss of monetary and economic sovereignty have been accepted by the European countries in 1994-95 2001 for an application. Another example: the multilateral agreements of the FTAA that the US imposed on 2001 countries of the American continent, however reluctant, conceding a deferred application 2005.

5 / Addressing the public as to children in low-age

Most advertising to the general public-use speech, arguments, characters, and a particularly infantilizing tone, often close to the debilitating, as if the viewer was a toddler-age or a mentally handicapped. Typical example: the French television campaign for the introduction of the Euro ( "Euro days"). The more we seek to deceive the viewer, the more you adopt a condescending tone. Why?

If it is for a person like she was old 12 years, then, due to suggestibility, it will have, with some probability, a response or reaction as uncritical as a person 12 years. Excerpt from "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"

6 / Appeal to the emotional rather than thinking

To appeal to the emotional is a classic technique for bypassing rational analysis, and thus the critical sense of the individual. In addition, the use of emotional register opens the gateway to the unconscious to implant ideas, desires, fears, impulses, or behavior ...

7 / Keep the public in ignorance and stupidity

Ensure that the public is incapable of understanding the technologies and methods used for its control and slavery.

The quality of education given to the lower classes must be of the poorest sort, so that the gap of ignorance isolating the inferior ranks of the upper classes is and remains incomprehensible to the lower classes. Excerpt from "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"

8 / Encourage the public to wallow in mediocrity

Encourage the public to find "cool" being stupid, vulgar and uneducated ...

9 / Replace the revolt by guilt

To believe that the individual is solely responsible for his misfortune, because of the inadequacy of his intelligence, abilities, or their efforts. So instead of rebelling against the economic system, the individual self and devalues ​​guilty, resulting depression which one effect is the inhibition of the action. And without action, no revolution! ...

10 / Knowing people better than they know themselves

In recent years 50, the rapid progress of science dug a widening gap between public knowledge and those owned and used by the ruling elites. Thanks to biology, neurobiology and applied psychology, the "system" has reached an advanced knowledge of the human being, both physically and psychologically. The system has come to know the individual means that he will know himself. This means that in most cases, the system has more control and more power over individuals that the individuals themselves.

Source: ... -de-masse/
Last edited by Christophe the 23 / 03 / 12, 13: 06, 3 edited once.
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by perplex » 06/10/10, 16:42


One might laugh, but it's tragic! I have no doubt about 10 items (keyboards will shake) : Mrgreen:

The real challenge is to move all bor .. : Cry:

Browsing the site Zorgonaute, I came across this link; ... lanete.php
If you have an hour to burn, because the gentleman is very relevant, and can be easily taken to his writing.
It may be a member here?

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by Christophe » 06/10/10, 16:50

Great find, by still read but if I count well after "manipulating the peoples in 10 points", we would "have helped to save the planet in 8 points" ... : Cheesy:

Idea and if we merged / mixed the 2 "methods"? It would give something like: "Manipulate the people to help save the planet in 9 points" : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen:

Small problem though: the planet will survive the man without problem, even if biodiversity is likely to be seriously undermined ...

When we say "save the planet" what we are trying to save above all is our lifestyles ...

ps: suppose that "all" the ecologists of the net are on this forum (It's not that I would not like :D), Is to give him a little too much anyway ...
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by elephant » 06/10/10, 16:52

Thank you Christopher. It is also étonnat that there was not more people who teach this discipline :D
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by Christophe » 06/10/10, 18:03

elephant wrote:Thank you Christopher. It is also étonnat that there was not more people who teach this discipline :D

You're welcome my dear !!

Well if there is but we do not have the "level" to follow the courses that's all * : Mrgreen:

For example in France there ENA (Ecola Nationale d'Administration in French) ... t9972.html

I am not sure there is this kind of "political" school in Belgium, it seems to me that it is even a unique case in the world ... to verify!

* luckily this forum exists to update us : Cheesy:
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by quovadis » 06/10/10, 18:16

Why only the people? You can put in it: isolated individuals in companies, or groups, some lawyers or even judges, police, businesses, psychiatrists, doctors. Look at those and passes Francetelcon, and in autodebile industry in France ...
Thank you for posting this, it is useful.
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by Christophe » 06/10/10, 19:04

It is a remark quite relevant but the people it is not a sum of individuals?

I put "peoples" in () in the title.
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by Petrus » 06/10/10, 19:28

We can also add: Encourage debt. An indebted individual will be highly susceptible to blackmail to employment and more easily accept the sacrifices of fear of losing their job and not be able to pay its debts.
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by quovadis » 06/10/10, 20:29

Christophe wrote:It is a remark quite relevant but the people it is not a sum of individuals?

I put "peoples" in () in the title.
: Oops: yes I understood but the text revolted me, I'll change my glasses : Cheesy:
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by quovadis » 06/10/10, 20:34

How rude person.
perplex wrote:The real challenge is to move all bor .. : Cry:
According c'que I read lot like a stalled guys! You f'rai p'tète better now start with your big move bor ... meme yourself ... instead of given advice ... Môssieur prof
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