US right to inspect "our" bank accounts

Current Economy and Sustainable Development-compatible? GDP growth (at all costs), economic development, inflation ... How concillier the current economy with the environment and sustainable development.
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by Obamot » 10/07/10, 12:49

coucou789456 wrote:Good evening

it seems to me that echelon is older than 2001, ...

In 1943, the United States and the United Kingdom, then engaged in the Second World War, sign a cooperation agreement in the interception of communications
these two countries signed in 1947 the UKUSA treaty (United-Kingdom - United States of America). They were quickly joined by Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Third countries (Germany, Norway, Turkey) then sign SIGINT treaties with the United States, thus benefiting from restricted access to the UKUSA network.

here in a few words gleaned from the net what it looks like ...
restricted access, hummmm ... and France is where, or else we would have been lied to ...

lived democracy !


Seen from this angle, it immediately brings to mind the N_S_A

Edit: mwouais Coucou, why you do not indicate your source:

It is so "strategic" that I seem to have heard that France had also decided to do something in this area since then.
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by Obamot » 10/07/10, 12:56

Andre wrote:the small manager of personal in the big companies, you give them your CV and in a simple blow of computer, (with your name and your date of birth) know all your antecedents, if you have a criminal record (even after a pardon )
if you had a drunk driver's license withdrawal, if you have union activities if your father was active in a union, if you were part of a communist or extremist political movement, they also know if you are a credit card user and if you are a guy who goes into debt, you are a good propspect for them, a debted guy never votes to go on strike, never refuses additional time, if you are a former soldier you are everything design, discipline, obedience to the rules without questioning the morality of your actions.

There it is just a small manager of personnel in the hiring, imagine you elsewhere in other level of the government, police, national security office ..
We are very well documented and that at the global level, you have to be naive not to see that, not one country is better than another ..
Jean Ferra in his songs described it well, the little loupio, the sound of boots.


How and where do they find that André?
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by coucou789456 » 10/07/10, 13:03


I admit to having made a mistake, méa culpa.

in France too there are beginning to be radomes that grow to hide the antennas:

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by sen-no-sen » 10/07/10, 15:41

obamot wrote:

It is so "strategic" that I seem to have heard that France had also decided to do something in this area since then.

France is one of the leaders (after Uncle Sam of course) in electronic interception.
Indeed from the geographic position of the Dom Tom, we can spy on ... all the planets!
In fact everyone spies on everyone ...
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"Engineering is sometimes about knowing when to stop" Charles De Gaulle.


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