Gaps in National Education programs and limits of new narcissistic educational methods

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by sen-no-sen » 18/04/12, 13:42

Mouai ...

He could have added: if you want to succeed in life, like me, crush the others! : Mrgreen:
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by Christophe » 18/04/12, 14:34

Well no! Since this, the national education already learns it well !!
: Cheesy:
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by Flytox » 18/04/12, 20:17

sen-no-sen wrote:Mouai ...

He could have added: if you want to succeed in life, like me, crush the others! : Mrgreen:

+1 : Mrgreen:

And also, if you still want to exist tomorrow, you have to pay the update, and if the update crashes you have to pay for the update of the update .... :frown: : Mrgreen:
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by Remundo » 29/04/12, 00:21

The expeditious conversion of Physics / Chemistry Professors into Math Teachers: ... L-32280258
In national education, "professional mobility" is encouraged ... sometimes a little by force. In a letter dated April 10, the director of human resources (HRD) of the Orléans-Tours rectorate "urges" the substitute physics-chemistry teachers to "think about a retraining (...) with a view to a definitive change of discipline, or even another job".

Stupor and anger of the recipients. "I was shocked. Such a letter, we do not expect it at all!", Testifies Nelly (the first name has been changed), a young teacher in a college in Eure-et-Loir. Change job ? "No thank you, I love my profession and my discipline."


The rector herself, Marie Reynier, says she is shocked. "It took my breath away. It's a huge mistake!"

To read, it's instructive ... 1
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by Christophe » 29/03/13, 21:58

Rather parental education but I did not know where to put it:

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by Flytox » 31/03/13, 23:00

Excellent Christophe!

Method / model of "education" also applied in France and which, we hope, will not become widespread ... : Cry:
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by chatelot16 » 31/03/13, 23:43

how to teach children what it takes to succeed? by showing the good example!

but when parents, and neighbors, are unemployed even with graduates how to show the good example?

and when the thugs ride in BMW how to show the good example?

to set a good example for young people, the good example must work! honest people must have a normal situation!

as long as this problem is not solved the decadence will be irremediable
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by Remundo » 01/04/13, 10:14

Plato wrote:When fathers get used to letting children,

When the sons do not pay attention to their words,

When the masters tremble in front of their pupils and prefer to flatter them,

When the young finally despise the laws because they no longer recognize above them the authority of nothing and nobody,

So it is there, in all beauty and in all youth, the beginning of the tyranny.

Plato, (Athens, 427 - id., 347 BC), Greek philosopher,

At this moment, what I see in National Education suggests to me that Plato is a visionary.

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by Did67 » 01/04/13, 11:01

chatelot16 wrote:how to teach children what it takes to succeed? by showing the good example!

but when parents, and neighbors, are unemployed even with graduates how to show the good example?

and when the thugs ride in BMW how to show the good example?


And when the biologic daddy engages in one-upmanship with gifts, dorms, games just to show that mom is not up to the task and that the "stepfather", who does what he can, doesn't is not up to the task, in short, I'm the best ...

When, at the table, at mealtime are criticized those officials and / or teachers who are still not on strike or always vacation or who do not care, difficult to wish that the child then listens ...

When the guardian, along which the young should stand up to the light, as a tomato foot would do, when this guardian is soft as a chewing gum, flattened in front of your choice, the TV, the latest find of Apple, his boss ... how to hope that the young plant will grow right! Look at a foot of tomato without a guardian, squat its fruits which are damaged on the ground, are gnawed by the voles or slugs ...

To your gardens, my brothers, sun today! Spring will come soon!

Yes, the bottom of the problem seems to me to be the lack of hope projected by our society urbi et orbi: unemployment, retirement, artificial but expensive recreation, inequalities that grow, ecological crisis (energies?), All costs more expensive in a system that is about to end (the period of the fuel at 50 cents) ...

So it remains, as exalting project: a) to destroy (suicide, binch drinking ...); b) violence against others (racketeering, theft, ...); c) the flight from the city (drugs, tele-sleep) ... Etc ...

Everything is very logical, in short.

And the School, of course, is at the heart of it all. But has no more solutions than the others to "exalt" anything!
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by Christophe » 27/05/13, 21:54

Another type of gap: the bad orientations.

Good little article that I more perfectly! ... ths-225582

Small, I wanted to be a baker, but I was good at maths

Small, I wanted to be a baker, then a postman, then a shepherd. I was pushed to study. It was explained to me that it was the only way to make a success of my life, to make money, to blossom in a trade. I endured long hours, long years of classes. I was bored, bored and still bored on dozens, hundreds, thousands of chairs.

And now that I have five years of study in my pocket, that I work - I am an engineer, I spend my days designing plastic spoons at a lower cost, for about 1700 euros per month - I continue to be bored, and deeply regrets not having listened to the little child who wanted to raise his sheep in Ardeche.

And around me, when I listen, here is what falls in:

"I did five years of study, I spend my days making additions. Everything that I learned does not serve me at all. "
"I would have done literary or social studies, but I was told that there were no opportunities. I got tired of working boring stuff for years hoping I would have a solid job at the end; and now that I have my diploma, I link part-time fixed-term contracts to the smic ... "
"I'm sick of giving everything, leaving every morning at 7 hours and returning every night at 20 hours, and continue to galley to eat pasta pans and pay me a 20 m2 all shabby" ...
Economically productive agents or failures

Subject to market pressures, the school, more and more neglected by the state, tends to suck the children into an infernal school machine, and then spit out twenty years later either economically productive agents or failures.

Thus, as long as a student has good grades, we strongly advise him to follow the royal way: second general, first scientist, math option, maths sup, etc.

We will not try to find out what the student wants to do with his life. In any case, he himself knows nothing about it, because often neither school nor everyday life gives him the means to know what a job is, or at least a profession different from that of a profession. of his parents.

To maintain order: anxiety

In science series, many young people are fighting to become engineers, because they are told that it is the only way to have a stable and comfortable situation, but the vast majority do not even know how to explain exactly what an engineer . It's formatting: France wants engineers, because statistically, they make more gross domestic product than farmers or poets.

Indecision is abused in ways they seldom selectively choose and engage in all their lives.

To maintain order, so that students spin wisely in the funnel, we use a formidable weapon: anxiety. TVs, radios, politicians, teachers, parents, the whole society as a whole angers the youth:

"The situation is serious, we are in crisis". We must enter the "economic war";
"The weakest will fall into unemployment, and end up on the street";
"In any case, there is no more money in the coffers; and we will not tax the rich, the speculators and the capital, because otherwise everything will go abroad ... ";
"Tremble, children of the fifth world power: if you do not want to starve, work, study your mathematics, become engineers, make plans for fighter planes and nuclear power plants. "
First victims: children from modest classes

It is generally the children of the most modest families who are the most sensitive to this stress, this blackmail, because their failure can only very difficult to be financially amortized by the family. And even less by a state less and less concerned with issues of social equity (because we must not forget: in a world where we give hundreds of billions to banks, equity, it is too expensive).

For these modest children, all trial and error is proscribed, you have to go headlong into the funnel. I will never forget those hours of anxiety that preceded the mathematical controls - coefficient 9 -, physics - coefficient 6 -, these hours to do and to do again the same exercises, those hours where my place in preparatory class, where all my future was played out. Those hours and years when the school stutters more than it breeds.

The high school is, for some, a real hell in which the least bad grade is likely to drop an average heavily; and bad
average in a key discipline can, in turn, significantly reduce a student's chances of being taken to the preparatory class, BTS, etc.

Having good grades is not enough, you must also be well ranked; and the competition starts in middle school and intensifies with the years of study. It can become terrible when it comes to medical competitions or entry to the grandes écoles. Quite often, the thirst for success takes over the desire to learn.

Matheux = geniuses, philosophers = useless

Art, philosophy and poetry are meaningful disciplines that can guide a life. The school system is neglecting them more and more. History and geography are now optional in Terminal S; obviously useless disciplines to form, by way of example, our future nuclear engineers.

It seems to me that early on in the curriculum, the "mathematicians" are likened to geniuses, economists to prophets, poets to dunces and philosophers to useless things. It would be really sad that instead of helping students make sense of their lives, the school just turns them into
calculating machines.

By neglecting the aspirations of youth, society gives birth to suffering generations, to adults who increasingly doubt the meaning of their work, and it is not surprising that one day or the another, a generation suddenly awakens to refuse a world it has never had the opportunity to choose.

The strength and the energy of the rebels, the indignants are, for me and for many, a great hope.

In the same genre: ... t7346.html
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