Equip yourself with efficient energy equipment to reduce your bills (part 2)

Investing to reduce your bills (part 2) Heat pumps: more and more attractive? It is also possible to supply a central heating installation by floor or by radiators with a heat pump (PAC). These devices use the heat of the air or the ground (even low) to heat the water in the circuit. A […]

Equip yourself with efficient energy equipment to reduce your bills

Getting equipped to reduce your heating bill published in “Le Particulier” n ° 995, December 2005 by Valerie Valin-Stein Why should we invest in renewable energies or more efficient energy processes? The announced shortage of oil and the surge in prices will weigh more and more heavily on our heating budget. It is therefore better to anticipate […]

Sustainable purchasing and responsible consumption

Some advice to reduce the ecological impact of your purchases. Your wallet and the environment will win! Keywords: guide, purchasing, ecological, economical, ecological, impact, environment, reduce, waste, bill, consumption, pollution Do you have any advice and tips that are not listed here? Come and share them on our forums: sustainable consumption on our forums Visit our […]